We have 1 last beautiful male Labradoodle puppy available. See below photos for previous puppies from the same parents. Text 956 887 0777 for more info.
Price per puppy is $1,800. Reservation deposit is $250 (will be credited toward total price). Our last male is ready to go to his new home. Please text us at (956) 887 0777 for information on reservation availability.
All puppies in this litter have soft curly coats (non-shedding). These are standard labradoodles which will grow to be around 60 Lbs. The puppies from these parents have proven to be very intelligent and trainable, and multiple previous puppies have gone on to be trained service dogs. They are excellent with children and other pets (even cats!).
Both parents are DNA-health tested for over 200 genetic problems (excellent results - both parents negative), and both parents are also DNA tested for breed data to make sure that only acceptable Labradoodle breed DNA is found (the results were also excellent: 0% DNA from any other breeds found).
Each puppy will be microchipped, dewormed at least three times, up-to-date on vaccinations, and will include 30 days pet insurance at no extra cost (Sharyland Pets has met the requirements in order to be approved for Trupanion insurance at no cost to the customer). We have a 5 year genetic health guarantee.
These pups are F1bb generation (a more refined generation of labradoodle that is bred to be curlier and more hypoallergenic (non-shedding), as well as calmer and less hyper. These puppies come from very intelligent and trainable parents with great temperaments and they are expected to make great companions. They also make great emotional support pets as multiple previous customers have attested to.
Please text us at (956) 887 0777 or leave us a voicemail if you are interested; because of the very high amount of spam calls we usually do not answer all calls but we will certainly get back to you if you leave us a message. For references and testimonials you can google "Sharyland Pets" to see our reviews. We hope to be able to provide you with your very own doodle fur baby as a wonderful new addition to your family!! 😊
The labradoodle puppies that we breed are F1bb generation standard-sized doodles. Make sure to do research on this wonderful breed and generation, and how it might fit your lifestyle. The dames and sires all have excellent temperaments and are extremely intelligent. We are partnered with an experienced k9 trainer (law enforcement handler) to offer discounted training with purchase of pup (can be redeemed when pup is between 8 and 9 months old which is a time when training would be more beneficial). These pups would make great pets or service dogs as they are very friendly, loyal and intelligent. Pups will be well socialized with children, cats and other dogs. Rehoming fee of $1800 per pup. Accepting deposits of $250. We accept most major online payment methods, credit cards or cash. Delivery options within Texas available for a reasonable fee.